Dry Eye Services
Dry Eye is more than an uncomfortable condition. Symptoms include scratchy eyes, burning, mild redness and gritty feeling eyes. Oral medications, reading, computer tasks and dry environments may aggravate marginally dry eyes. Dry eyes can be diagnosed by using dyes to observe tear patterns, evaluation of the amount of tears on the front of the eye and from review of your symptoms. Treating dry eye problems is important not only for comfort, but also for the health of the cornea.
It is a chronic, progressive eye disorder with treatment options. As a location of the Dry Eye Center of PA, we passionately and aggressively treat dry eye. Dry eyes can be diagnosed by using dyes to observe tear patterns, evaluation of the amount of tears on the front of the eye and from review of your symptoms. We are also equipped with the newest technology for testing and treatment and our doctors are experts in the specialty of dry eye. Much of the cause of dry eye is inflammation in the oil glands (meibomian glands) of the eyelids. This inflammation leads to blockage of oil production, which leads to eventual oil gland destruction. We take a multi-treatment approach to truly restore oil gland function. Call to schedule your dry eye assessment today!